
Find courses, training providers & jobs in the Marine, Oil & Gas sector

Interact with other people in the industry; careers for information on occupations; resources for knowledge; and news for information and what's trending on the web


Information on courses categorized into various functional disciplines are provided below.


Business Acumen

Business course themes such as project management, commerce, etc. are covered in this category.

Exploration and Production

Themes such as geo-sciences, engineering, drilling and so forth are covered in this category.


Training Providers

A listing of training providers relavant to the Marine, Oil & Gas sectors are provided below.

Inspire learning at school and at home with e-learning resources for Grades R-12.

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Interested in a career, learn about the possible occupations in these sectors...

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Educational materials and links to enhance your knowledge....

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   Alert! May 2015 courses!

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