Stuck Pipe Prevention Training
Intertek's customized Stuck Pipe Prevention training helps prevent stuck pipe incidents, presents causes and preventative measures of stuck pipe, as well as warning signs and recovery techniques.
Intertek’s Stuck Pipe Prevention customized training provides drill crews and supervisors practical techniques for eliminating or significantly reducing stuck pipe incidents, as well as steps to minimize the event and get free quickly. Using your organization’s data, Stuck Pipe Prevention courses can be customized to your specific situation. Past stuck pipe incidents can be analyzed to determine:
- What was done correctly
- Where techniques could be improved
Lack of communication and awareness among rig crew are key factors in stuck pipe incidents.Therefore, Stuck Pipe Prevention training emphasizes good communication, “team thinking” and quick action in the problem solving process of preventing and freeing stuck pipe.
Intertek's 1 to 2-Day Stuck Pipe Prevention course covers:
- Stuck Pipe History and Statistics
- Fundamentals of Geology and Wellbore Stability Fundamentals: Overburden effects, Vertical and Horizontal Stress, Well path effects, Rock Stress vs Rock Strength
- Stuck Pipe Team
- Stuck Pipe Mechanisms and Causes
- Defining Differential Sticking, Wellbore Geometry and Hole Pack Off
- Hole Packoff and Hole Cleaning
- Cutting vs carving
- High Angle Hole cleaning
- Drilling & Tripping Practices
- Differential Sticking
- Causes of Differential Sticking
- Prevention Guidelines - Tripping and Drilling
- Hole Pack-Off - Causes, Warnings, Prevention
- Hole Cleaning
- Wellbore Geometry - Causes, Warnings and Prevention
- Freeing Techniques
- Stuck Pipe Mechanism worksheet
To register for this course, complete the online registration form.