
Find courses, training providers & jobs in the Marine, Oil & Gas sector

Interact with other people in the industry; careers for information on occupations; resources for knowledge; and news for information and what's trending on the web


Information on courses categorized into various functional disciplines are provided below.



Course themes such as maritime law, marine - & ship engineering, maritime environmental studies are covered in this category.


Course themes such as health, safety, environmental and quality specific training programmes are covered.

Ship -, Rig Repair, and Ship Building

Course themes such as engineering, technician and artisan related training & development are covered in this category.

Training Providers

A listing of training providers relavant to the Marine, Oil & Gas sectors are provided below.

Inspire learning at school and at home with e-learning resources for Grades R-12.

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Interested in a career, learn about the possible occupations in these sectors...

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Educational materials and links to enhance your knowledge....

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   Alert! May 2015 courses!

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